Online Business Management

Virtually Structured

Online Business Management Services

Are you a visionary entrepreneur with big dreams and innovative ideas, yet find yourself tied down with the mundane tasks that come with running a business?

At Virtually Structured, we provide the essential support and partnership needed to harmonize your visionary ideas with effective execution.

Stressed and overwhelmed woman at work

What we do

At Virtually Structured, we embody the role of both architect and engineer in the realm of online business management. Much like an engineer, we meticulously craft and build structures designed to support your business's growth, scalability, and success.

But our work doesn't end with construction. Just as an engineer ensures the structural integrity of buildings, we meticulously examine every aspect of your business to ensure its resilience, stability, and efficiency. We reinforce weak points, fortify foundations, and implement systems that withstand the tests of time and market dynamics.

So, whether you're constructing a new venture from the ground up or renovating an existing operation, trust Virtually Structured to be your partner in building and maintaining a business structure that stands tall, resilient, and ready to weather any challenge.

How we do it

When you partner with us, we help with foundational system setup, strategic planning for growth, team development and management, project planning and execution, marketing, and metrics analysis to propel your business forward.

Our ultimate goal is to help you develop systems that simplify your business, saving you time, so you can do more of what you love.

Let us be your guiding light in transforming your business operations, enabling you to take that well-deserved break you crave while your business continues to thrive and grow.

Meet Christy

Founder of Virtually Structured, Christy is an online business manager (OBM), integrator, and systems development specialist who geeks out on planning and strategy.

Her clients say that she has the unique ability to streamline their business for efficiency and growth, making their workload easier.

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Do It Yourself

Our Strategic Breakthrough Sessions are designed to help you develop a clear vision for your business. Together we will curate a strategic plan to help you bring your vision to life. Let’s work together to refine the decisions that define your business!

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Done With You

Our VIP Day Intensives are designed to help you knock out those pesky projects that have been hanging around. We will work along side you to knock out those never-ending to- do lists so that you can start fresh with a clean slate. What lingering project do you have on the back burner that, when finished, would propel your business forward?

Done For You

Our Online Business Management services help hone your creativity and bring structure to your business. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or growing like wildfire, we’ll work alongside you. You can finally devote your attention to the things only you can do in your business.

Woman in Pajamas Relaxing at Home. Concept of Day off

Results our clients see

  • Streamlined systems
  • Time saved on repetitive tasks
  • Increased client experience
  • Consistency and quality in outcomes
  • Improved productivity & proficiency
  • Increased virtual team retention
  • Increased bottomline

But don’t take our word for it....

Isaac, CEO

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Christy not only identified and addressed bottlenecks within my business but also implemented effective systems and processes that have had a lasting impact on my productivity and bottom line. Her professionalism, expertise, and unwavering support have been invaluable, and I am grateful to have her as a trusted partner in my business journey.

If you are looking for a dedicated and results-driven online business manager to support your business growth, Christy is the perfect choice. Thank you for your exceptional service and unwavering commitment to my business's success.

Still not sure?

Let’s Chat!

Let’s see what we can do for you and your business!

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8a-4p CST

Working remotely from Nashville, TN.

‘to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.’

Jude 25

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